
December 10, 2009 – 12:22 pm


「物理学はいかに創られたか」は、岩波新書(赤版:上下巻2冊)として1939年に第一刷が発行され、1963年の第30刷で改版されている。私の本棚にあるのは、1971年の第40刷発行のものだ。この岩波新書版は、歌人でもある物理学者、石原純による翻訳である。原著「The Evolution of Physics」の初版がCambridge University Pressから発行されたのが1938年であるので、その翌年には、この日本語版が出版されている。この原著「The Evolution of Physics」は、pdfという形で、無料でダウンロードすることができる(pdfのアドレス)。


本書のタイトル自体が、原著の「The Evolution of Physics」(直訳すると、「物理学の発展」となると思う)が、「物理学はいかに創られたか」となっていることに、若干の違和感があった。というのは、この表題では、物理学が「実在」を超えて「創造」されても良くなってしまうとの印象を持ったからだ。


本書の誰を読者として想定しているか: 本書の執筆のねらい、どのような読者を対象としているかについて、Prefaceに以下のように記述されている:



We have not written a textbook of physics. Here is no systematic course in elementary physical facts and theories. Our intention was rather to sketch in broad outline the attempts of the human mind to find a connection between the world of ideas and the world of phenomena. We have tried to show the active forces which compel science to invent ideas corresponding to the reality of our world.



Whilst writing the book we had long discussions as to the characteristics of our idealized reader and worried a good deal about him. We had him making up for a complete lack of any concrete knowledge of physics and mathematics by quite a great number of virtues. We found him interested in physical and philosophical ideas and we were forced to admire the patience with which he struggled through the less interesting and more difficult passages. He realized that in order to understand any page he must have read the preceding ones carefully.



— science must create its own language, its own concepts, for its own use. Scientific concepts often begin with those used in ordinary language for the affairs, of everyday life, but they develop quite differently. They are transformed and lose the ambiguity associated with them in ordinary language, gaining in rigorousness so that they may be applied to scientific thought.

理論的体系はユニークである必要はない?: 次の記述は、「物理学の『理論的体系』が必ずしもユニークである必要はない」との印象を(少なくともわたしには)感じさせる。この記述の冒頭の「それ」は「ニュートン力学の体系」を指すのではと思う(違うかな?)。


It is really our whole system of guesses which is to be either proved or disproved by experiment. No one of the assumptions can be isolated for separate testing. In the case of the planets moving around the sun it is found that the system of mechanics works splendidly. Nevertheless we can well imagine that another system, based on different assumptions, might work just as well.

では、「客観的な真理(Objective Truth)」をどのように捉えるのか?


Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. In our endeavour to understand reality we are somewhat like a man trying to understand the mechanism of a closed watch. He sees the face and the moving hands, even hears its ticking, but he has no way of opening the case. If he is ingenious he may form some picture of a mechanism which could be responsible for all the things he observes, but he may never be quite sure his picture is the only one which could explain his observations. He will never be able to compare his picture with the real mechanism and he cannot even imagine the possibility or the meaning of such a comparison. But he certainly believes that, as his knowledge increases, his picture of reality will become simpler and simpler and will explain a wider and wider range of his sensuous impressions. He may also believe in the existence of the ideal limit of knowledge and that it is approached by the human mind. He may call this ideal limit the objective truth.


ですから、新しい理論に都合のよいような観測が新たに付加せられないとしても、その説明が古い理論とおなじようにうまく運ばれて、二つの理論のうちのどちらをでも自由に選んでよいというのであったなら、私たちは新しい方をよいと決断しなければならないはずです。新しい理論の方程式は、形式的に見ればよほど複雑でありますが、その仮定は根本的な原理から見て遥かに簡単なのです。絶対時間並びに慣性系というような、二つの恐るべき幽霊も、もはや影を潜めてしまいました。重力質量と慣性質量とが同等であるという手がかりは見のがされてはなりません。万有引力について、ことにそれの距離に対する関係については何の仮定も必要とされないのです。万有引力方程式は構造の法則の形式をもっています。そういう形式は場の理論の偉大な成功があって以来、あらゆる物理法則について要求さえるものなのであります。(下巻pp.116-117 )

Let us suppose, for the moment, that we have succeeded in carrying out consistently the programme of the general relativity theory. But are we not in danger of carrying speculation too far from reality? We know how well the old theory explains astronomical observations. Is there a possibility of constructing a bridge between the new theory and observation? Every speculation must be tested by experiment, and any results, no matter how attractive, must be rejected if they do not fit the facts. How did the new theory of gravitation stand the test of experiment? This question can be answered in one sentence: The old theory is a special limiting case of the new one. If the gravitational forces are comparatively weak, the old Newtonian law turns out to be a good approximation to the new laws of gravitation. Thus all observations which support the classical theory also support the general relativity theory. We regain the old theory from the higher level of the new one.

Even if no additional observation could be quoted in favour of the new theory, if its explanation were only just as good as the old one, given a free choice between the two theories, we should have to decide in favour of the new one. The equations of the new theory are, from the formal point of view, more complicated, but their assumptions are, from the point of view of fundamental principles, much simpler. The two frightening ghosts, absolute time and an inertial system, have disappeared. The clue of the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass is not overlooked. No assumption about the gravitational forces and their dependence on distance is needed. The gravitational equations have the form of structure laws, the form required of all physical laws since the great achievements of the field theory. (pp.251-252)


物理学の理論を立てるのには、根本的な思考が最も本質的な役目を演じます。物理学の書物は複雑な数学公式で充たされていますが、どの物理理論にしても、その端緒となるのは観念や思考であって、公式ではありません。思考は、それを実験と比較し得るようにするために、その後に数量的な理論として数学的な形式を取るようにしなければならないのです。(下巻 p.165)

Fundamental ideas play the most essential role in forming a physical theory. Books on physics are full of complicated mathematical formulae. But thought and ideas, not formulae, are the beginning of every physical theory. The ideas must later take the mathematical form of a quantitative theory, to make possible the comparison with experiment.


 科学はまさに法則の集積でもなければ、まとまりのない事実のカタログでもありません。それは人間精神の一つの創造物であって、それが自由に発明した思想や観念を含んでいます。物理学の理論は実在の一つの形象を形作って、それと感覚的印象の広い世界との連関を確立しようとします。ですから私たちの心的構造が正しいかどうかは、理論が果たして、またどのようにしてかような連鎖をつくるかどうかということに帰着するのです。(下巻 p.189)

Science is not just a collection of laws, a catalogue of unrelated facts. It is a creation of the human mind, with its freely invented ideas and concepts. Physical theories try to form a picture of reality and to establish its connection with the wide world of sense impressions. Thus the only justification for our mental structures is whether and in what way our theories form such a link. (p.310)

 物理学の理論の助けを借りて私たちは、観測された事実の迷路を通じて私たちの道を見つけ出し、感覚的印象の世界を秩序立て、かつ理解しようとするのです。私たちの理論的の構成によってこの実在を把握することが可能であるという信念がなくては、また私たちの世界が内的調和をもっているという信念を欠いては、科学はまるであり得ないでしょう。この信念こそは、あらゆる科学的創造に対する動機なのでありますし、またいつになってもそうなのでありましょう。・・・ (下巻 p.192)

With the help of physical theories we try to find our way through the maze of observed facts, to order and understand the world of our sense impressions. We want the observed facts to follow logically from our concept of reality. Without the belief that it is possible to grasp the reality with our theoretical constructions, without the belief in the inner harmony of our world, there could be no science. This belief is and always will remain the fundamental motive for all scientific creation.(p.312)

40年ぶりに読んでみた本書、かなりのインパクトを与えるな! という実感。もっと考えてみなければ、・・・

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