March 5, 2014 – 1:04 pm国民健康保険料算出用ツールを作成してみた。
国民健康保険料の計算ツール: なにはともあれ、以下にツールを掲げる。ここに見られるように、この計算ツールは「国民健康保険税税率設定フォーム」と「国民健康保険税算出フォーム」のふたつのフォームから構成されている。
合 計 | |||
所得割料率 | 医療分 | ||
支援分 | |||
介護分 | |||
均等割 | 医療分 | ||
支援分 | |||
介護分 | |||
平等割 | 医療分 | ||
支援分 | |||
賦課限度額 | 医療分 | ||
支援分 | |||
介護分 |
所得割 | 均等割 | |||||||
世帯 | 年齢 | 所得 | 医療分 | 支援分 | 介護分 | 医療分 | 支援分 | 介護分 |
(1) | ||||||||
(2) | ||||||||
(3) | ||||||||
(4) | ||||||||
(5) | ||||||||
(6) |
国民健康保険料を自分で算出する意味は?: 国税として支払う所得税と比較し、地方税あるいは国民健康保険料が高額となることが多い。
今後の課題: この計算ツール、まだまだ改善する余地はある。例えば、個々の保険税税率を入力・設定するのに代えて、市町村毎の税率をデータベース化し、自動的に料率を設定することも考えられる。
計算ツール使用上のご注意: このページに示した計算ツールについては、あくまで個人的に作成したものである。この使用に際して、正確さなどについては、作成者は何の責を負わない、ということに注意してほしい。
参 考:
HTML ソース:
<table id='kokuho00' border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse'> <tr> <td colspan="3" style="width:100px;"></td> <td>合 計</td> <tr> <td rowspan="3" style="width:100px;">所得割料率</td> <td style="width:65px;">医療分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_i_incum" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> <td rowspan="3" align=right><span class="shotoku_total"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:65px;">支援分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_s_incum" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:65px;">介護分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_k_incum" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3" style="width:100px;">均等割</td> <td style="width:65px;">医療分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_i_kinto" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> <td rowspan="3" align=right><span class="kinto_total"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:65px;">支援分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_s_kinto" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:65px;">介護分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_k_kinto" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2" style="width:100px;">平等割</td> <td style="width:65px;">医療分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_i_shotai" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> <td rowspan="2" align=right><span class="byoudo_total"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:65px;">支援分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_s_shotai" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3" style="width:100px;">賦課限度額</td> <td style="width:65px;">医療分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_shotai_iryou_max" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> <td rowspan="3" align=right><span class="gendo_total"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:65px;">支援分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_shotai_shien_max" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:65px;">介護分</td> <td style="width:65px;"><input type="number" name="coef_shotai_kaigo_max" value="" style="width:63px;"></td> </tr> </table> <table id='kokuho02' border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse' > <tr> <td rowspan="2" style="width:35px;">世帯</td> <td rowspan="2" style="width:40px;">年齢</td> <td rowspan="2" style="width:75px;">所得</td> <td colspan="3">所得割額</td> <td colspan="3">均等割額</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:60px;">医療分</td> <td style="width:60px;">支援分</td> <td style="width:60px;">介護分</td> <td style="width:60px;">医療分</td> <td style="width:60px;">支援分</td> <td style="width:60px;">介護分</td> </tr> <tr> <td>(1)</td> <td><input type="number" name="age01" value="" style="width:39px;"></td> <td><input type="number" name="inc01" value="" style="width:73px;"></td> <td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td> </tr> <tr> <td>(2)</td> <td><input type="number" name="age02" value="" style="width:39px; "></td> <td><input type="number" name="inc02" value="" style="width:73px;"></td> <td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td> </tr> <tr> <td>(3)</td> <td><input type="number" name="age03" value="" style="width:39px;"></td> <td><input type="number" name="inc03" value="" style="width:73px;"></td> <td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td> </tr> <tr> <td>(4)</td> <td><input type="number" name="age04" value="" style="width:39px;"></td> <td><input type="number" name="inc04" value="" style="width:73px;"></td> <td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td> </tr> <tr> <td>(5)</td> <td><input type="number" name="age05" value="" style="width:39px;"></td> <td><input type="number" name="inc05" value="" style="width:73px;"></td> <td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td> </tr> <tr> <td>(6)</td> <td><input type="number" name="age06" value="" style="width:39px;"></td> <td><input type="number" name="inc06" value="" style="width:73px;"></td> <td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td><td align=right></td> </tr> </table> <div id="kokuho_total" style="margin:20px 100px;"></div>
JavaScript(JQuery) ソース:
$(document).ready(function(){ var coef = []; coef['i_incum'] = 7.80; coef['s_incum'] = 2.30; coef['k_incum'] = 2.00; coef['i_kinto'] = 22000; coef['s_kinto'] = 6500; coef['k_kinto'] = 13500; coef['i_shotai']= 23000; coef['s_shotai']= 6500; // var shotoku_total = coef['i_incum'] + coef['s_incum'] + coef['k_incum']; $(".shotoku_total").html( shotoku_total.toFixed(2) + ' %' ); var kinto_total = coef['i_kinto'] + coef['s_kinto'] + coef['k_kinto']; $(".kinto_total").html( comadd(kinto_total) + ' 円' ); var shotai_total = coef['i_shotai']+ coef['s_shotai']; $(".byoudo_total").html( comadd(shotai_total) + ' 円'); // coef['shotai_iryou_max'] = 630000 ; coef['shotai_shien_max'] = 190000 ; coef['shotai_kaigo_max'] = 170000 ; var gendo_total = coef['shotai_iryou_max'] + coef['shotai_shien_max'] + coef['shotai_kaigo_max']; $(".gendo_total").html( comadd(gendo_total) + ' 円'); $("input[name='coef_i_incum']").val(coef['i_incum']); $("input[name='coef_s_incum']").val(coef['s_incum']); $("input[name='coef_k_incum']").val(coef['k_incum']); $("input[name='coef_i_kinto']").val(coef['i_kinto']); $("input[name='coef_s_kinto']").val(coef['s_kinto']); $("input[name='coef_k_kinto']").val(coef['k_kinto']); $("input[name='coef_i_shotai']").val(coef['i_shotai']); $("input[name='coef_s_shotai']").val(coef['s_shotai']); $("input[name='coef_shotai_iryou_max']").val(coef['shotai_iryou_max']); $("input[name='coef_shotai_shien_max']").val(coef['shotai_shien_max']); $("input[name='coef_shotai_kaigo_max']").val(coef['shotai_kaigo_max']); koujo = 330000; // var age_val = []; var inc_val = []; var cell = []; for ( k=0; k<6; ++k ) { cell[k] = []; } function round( value ) { var num = parseFloat(value); return Math.floor(num); } function round100( value ) { var num100 = parseFloat(value)/100.0 ; return Math.floor(num100)*100; } function comadd( value ) { value = "" + value; value = value.replace(/,/g,""); var num = "" + parseInt(value) ; while(num != (num = num.replace(/^(-?\d+)(\d{3})/, "$1,$2"))); return num; } function set_value( n_array ) { if( age_val[n_array]<75 ) { if ( age_val[n_array] && inc_val[n_array] ) { var incum = inc_val[n_array] - koujo; if (incum <= 0 ) incum = 0.; cell[n_array][0] = round(incum*coef['i_incum']/100.0); cell[n_array][1] = round(incum*coef['s_incum']/100.0); if (age_val[n_array]<40 || age_val[n_array]>=65 ) cell[n_array][2] = 0; else if ( age_val[n_array] <65 ) cell[n_array][2] = round(incum*coef['k_incum']/100.0); cell[n_array][3] = coef['i_kinto']; cell[n_array][4] = coef['s_kinto']; if (age_val[n_array]<40 || age_val[n_array]>=65 ) cell[n_array][5] = 0; else if ( age_val[n_array] <65 ) cell[n_array][5] = coef['k_kinto']; var k = 0; var tr_no = n_array + 2; for ( k=0; k<6; ++k ) { var td_no = k + 3; var val_set = comadd( cell[n_array][k] ); $('#kokuho02>tbody>tr:eq('+tr_no+')>td:eq('+td_no+')').html(val_set); } cal_total(); } }else { alert(" 75歳以上は後期高齢者医療制度を適用!"); var n_a = n_array + 1; var strnm = "age0" + n_a; // alert(" strnm: " + strnm ); $("input[name=" + strnm + "]").val(""); tr_no = n_array + 2; td_no = 1; var ipt = 'age'; reset_value( n_array, ipt ); } } function cal_total() { var shotai_iryou = 0; var shotai_shien = 0; var shotai_kaigo = 0; for ( j=0; j<6; ++j) { if( cell[j][0] || cell[j][0]==0 ) { shotai_iryou = cell[j][0] + cell[j][3] + shotai_iryou; shotai_shien = cell[j][1] + cell[j][4] + shotai_shien; shotai_kaigo = cell[j][2] + cell[j][5] + shotai_kaigo; } } if ( shotai_iryou != 0 ) { shotai_iryou = shotai_iryou + coef['i_shotai']; shotai_shien = shotai_shien + coef['s_shotai']; } if ( shotai_iryou >= coef['shotai_iryou_max'] ) shotai_iryou = coef['shotai_iryou_max']; if ( shotai_shien >= coef['shotai_shien_max'] ) shotai_shien = coef['shotai_shien_max']; if ( shotai_kaigo >= coef['shotai_kaigo_max'] ) shotai_kaigo = coef['shotai_kaigo_max']; var kokuho_total = round100(shotai_iryou) + shotai_shien + shotai_kaigo; var output = comadd(round100(kokuho_total)); var sh_iryou = comadd(round100(shotai_iryou)); var sh_shien = comadd(round100(shotai_shien)); var sh_kaigo = comadd(round100(shotai_kaigo)); if ( kokuho_total != 0 ) $("#kokuho_total").html( "<p><strong>国民健康保険料 : <span>" + output + "</span> 円</strong></p>" +"<table style='margin:0px 50px;'>" +" <tr><td><strong>内 訳:</strong></td><td><strong> 基礎(医療)分 </strong></td><td align=right><strong>"+ sh_iryou + " 円</strong></td></tr>" +" <tr><td></td><td><strong> 支援分 </strong></td><td align=right><strong>"+ sh_shien + " 円</strong></td></tr>" +" <tr><td></td><td><strong> 介護分 </strong></td><td align=right><strong>"+ sh_kaigo + " 円</strong></td></tr></table>" ); else $("#kokuho_total").html(""); return; } function reset_value( n_array, ipt ) { // alert ( " in reset_value " + ipt ); if ( ipt === "age" ) age_val[n_array] = ""; else if ( ipt === "inc" ) inc_val[n_array] = ""; var tr_no = n_array + 2; // alert ( "tr_no = " + tr_no ) for ( var k=0; k<6; ++k ) { td_no = k + 3; val_set = ""; cell[n_array][k] =0; $('#kokuho02>tbody>tr:eq('+tr_no+')>td:eq('+td_no+')').html(val_set); } cal_total(); } $(':input[name^=age],:input[name^=inc]').blur ( function() { //get row no. and value being set to process var str01 = this.name; if ( str01.match( /age([0-9]+)/ ) ) { var n_array = parseInt( RegExp.$1 ) - 1 ; if ( $(this).val() !== "" ) { age_val[ n_array ] = $(this).val(); set_value( n_array ); } else { var ipt = "age"; reset_value( n_array, ipt ); } } if ( str01.match( /inc([0-9]+)/ )) { var n_array = parseInt( RegExp.$1 ) - 1; if ( $(this).val() !== "" ) { inc_val[ n_array ] = $(this).val(); set_value( n_array ); } else { var ipt = "inc"; reset_value( n_array, ipt ); } } }); $(':input[name^=coef]').blur ( function() { var str02 = this.name; if ( str02.match(/coef_([^<]+)/ ) ) { var str_coef = RegExp.$1; coef[str_coef] = parseFloat( $(this).val() ); var shotoku_total = coef['i_incum'] + coef['s_incum'] + coef['k_incum']; $(".shotoku_total").html( shotoku_total.toFixed(2) + ' %' ); var kinto_total = coef['i_kinto'] + coef['s_kinto'] + coef['k_kinto']; $(".kinto_total").html( comadd(kinto_total) + ' 円' ); var shotai_total = coef['i_shotai']+ coef['s_shotai']; $(".byoudo_total").html( comadd(shotai_total) + ' 円'); var gendo_total = coef['shotai_iryou_max'] + coef['shotai_shien_max'] + coef['shotai_kaigo_max']; $(".gendo_total").html( comadd(gendo_total) + ' 円'); } for ( var l_array=0; l_array<6; ++l_array ) { set_value( l_array ); } }) });