スイス国民投票 原発にNO!

May 23, 2017 – 11:46 am

今朝のワールドニュース(NHK・BS) France2でスイスの国民投票で脱原発を進める政府プラン支持派の勝利を報じていた。


この国民投票については、日経Web版(5/22 9:33)「スイス、脱原発で再生エネ拡大 国民投票で可決」でも報じられていた。日経記事のリード文は以下:



france24.com の記事「Swiss voters back ban on building new nuclear plants」でこのニュースについて多少詳しく報じられている。そのリード文は以下:

Swiss voters backed the government’s plan to provide billions of dollars in subsidies for renewable energy, ban new nuclear plants and help bail out struggling utilities in a binding referendum on Sunday.





Under the law, 480 million francs will be raised annually from electricity users to fund investment in wind, solar and hydro power. An additional 450 million francs will be set aside from an existing fossil fuels tax to help cut energy use in buildings by 43 percent by 2035 compared with 2000 levels.
Solar and wind now account for less than five percent of Switzerland’s energy output, compared with 60 percent for hydro and 35 percent for nuclear. Under the new law, power from solar, wind, biomass and geothermal sources would rise to at least 11,400 gigawatt hours (GWh) by 2035 from 2,831 GWh now.
The law will ban building new nuclear plants. Switzerland has five plants, with the first slated to close in 2019. Voters have not set a firm deadline for the rest, allowing them to run as long as they meet safety standards.
The law also helps utilities that now rely on hydropower, and whose costs exceed Europe’s wholesale prices.



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